Sunday, November 25, 2007

Oh Lord.... this is what is what I want to pray, this is what I want to do for You.
Please teach me and let me know what You want me to do and what can I do for You.
Lord, please make me and mold me, please transform me from who I'm now. Please give me a strong heart and mind to follow Your rule. In this moment I want to tell You Lord, I offer my life to You. You have gave me lot, but I can't pay You back what You have gave me, but only my life. Hope that one day, all the nations will be Your disicple. In Jesus name I pray all this thing.....Amen

Hope that this will become 1 of your prayer. In the name of Jesus, we fight for it, we do for it. GBU........

张贴者 StevenKong

Friday, November 23, 2007


压伤的芦苇 他不折断

那将残的灯火 他不会吹灭

寻求你磷恤我的软弱 谁愿无力走过这生

盼救主垂听 心中困倦

现实压迫中 装出欢笑

旁人自顾沉溺 虚空宴乐 谁安慰念记

耶稣顾念我 求在你怀内

医好我的创伤 洁净我罪

你拾身拯救我 生命 全能主应许

耶稣顾念我 求被你陶造

一生里紧靠倚 再没有畏惧

赐牺牲的爱与医治 这是你应许

try to fell this song and understand it.....
how HE take care of us, what HE have done for us,
but today what have we DONE for HIM. Those things that we had done can pay back what HE had done for us??

p/s: sorry for bad english....... (^@^)""

张贴者 StevenKong

Thursday, October 18, 2007

张贴者 StevenKong

Friday, August 3, 2007


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KMYF G-Pod (Gospel Pod)

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